aBOUT woohoo pay

Simple Merchant Banking For a Simpler Life

With Woohoo Pay you’re on the path to a better financial future.

WPay, The Future of All Things Fintech

Our values hold us accountable to be the best, to act with integrity and to take personal responsibility for our actions.

We have the scale, stability, and experience to support your success, our global growth is driven by world-class employees and satisfied customers.

About us

WPay is an independent Irish Company and we are connected throughout the fintech ecosystem locally and internationally to fintech startups, C-Suite fintech professionals at traditional and challenger institutions, innovation hubs, accelerators, trade bodies, governments, embassies and investors.

“Embrace what you don’t know, especially in the beginning, because what you don’t know can become your greatest asset. It ensures that you will absolutely be doing things differently from everybody else”
Louis Roche Founder

Some of Our Brands

Woohoo eCommerce

Turn your Android smartphones into card readers with WPay. Seamlessly accept contactless payments with a simple tap on your device.

Woohoo Payments

Each of Woohoo Pay’s clients can be sure to receive tailored treatment to account for their specific business needs, which makes online acquiring with Woohoo Pay a natural choice for merchants and PSPs.

Today Markets.com

Today Markets brings true Direct Market Access (DMA) liquidity, credit and technology solutions to the foreign exchange, energy, precious metals and CFD markets.

Gulf Fintech

Neobanks are digital-only banking platforms that operate solely online. Simply put, they do not have a physical presence.

It's Better With Woohoo Pay

Subscription management

Control your online spending by managing all subscriptions in one place.

Business travel spending

Scaleable solutions for managing travel spend across your business.

Digital advertising

Control your digital marketing spending across all platforms with smart virtual cards.

Administrative expenses

Handle your company’s operating costs with flexibility and complete control.

Easy invoice processing

Process, approve and pay invoices from all of your team members.

Team perks

Manage team perks and other incidental office costs without the need for petty cash.

Why Choose us

SWIFT /SEPA access

Get access to SWIFT/ SEPA and make and receive payments locally and internationally.

Convert 8+ currencies

Hold and switch between multiple currencies in seconds with low, transparent fees.

Send money for less

Save up to 7x compared to the banks when you send money abroad.

Live FX rates

FX with spot pricing and instant settlement, without paying hidden fees.

International Business Made Easy

Multi-Currency IBANs

Go global fast with multi-currency payments using local rails. Get a EUR IBAN and a multi-currency IBAN with us to unlock all benefits of international trade for your business.

Live Rate FX Conversions

Our currency exchange live rate enables you to make and take payments across borders, without paying hidden fees or penalties. Our WPay live FX rate applies to any currency exchange transaction and we always show you the full transaction cost up front.

Business Made Easy

Get access to SEPA, SWIFT and local payment networks for truly multi-currency banking. Perfect for scaling businesses, our multi-currency accounts are the catalyst to grow your reach globally. 

Advanced Fintech Infrastructure

Simplified international payment acceptance and processing through a suite of payment services that provide merchants with the ability to accept payments from cards and digital wallets popular with international shoppers.

We provide merchants with the ability to increase global revenue by helping them accept and process payments from customers all around the world on their eCommerce stores. Our payment gateway solutions integrate simply to existing platforms.