Upgrade Transactions And Secure New Revenue Streams.

Start accepting crypto today with the only crypto payment solution for global businesses and payment processors.

Real Estate

Eliminate barriers for crypto-consumers looking to enter the property market by facilitating real estate purchases.


Optimize the vehicle buying process with fast and secure purchases by accepting cryptocurrency payments.

Fx Trading

Accept deposits in any major cryptocurrency and instantly convert them to FIAT or stablecoin with an automatic, next-day, risk-free settlement.


Eliminate barriers for crypto-consumers looking to enter the property market by facilitating real estate purchases.


Tap into the growing crypto-consumer segment, inclined to spend their digital assets on luxury goods.


Boost Your Gaming Business by Accepting Crypto And Elimiate The Risk of Chargebacks.

Better, Safer & Faster Than Credit Card Payments

Crypto payments offer a new way to process transactions with great benefits to merchants.

Transaction fees are lower, sales are final meaning no chargebacks and with WPay you get access to funds directly from your bank account every night.

WPay is able to offer a fixed discount rate that’s lower than traditional payment options with no hidden transactional fees.

  • Daily access to funds.
  • No chargebacks, full protection against fraud.

WPay elevates transactions, enabling businesses to secure new revenue streams without added risk or complexity. WPay is meticulously designed to address the challenges faced by global businesses and payment processors by guaranteeing scalability, compliance, speed, and security. WPay solutions empower users with the ability to:

  • Reach over 575 million crypto-consumers via a wallet-agnostic solution.
  • Avoid cryptocurrency volatility through instant confirmation and conversion to USD, EUR, GBP, or other traditional FIAT currencies.
  • Receive direct bank deposits on a daily basis.
  • Integrate the system smoothly into existing payment flows.
  • Transact safely with dependable security measures.
  • Assure compliance with all international jurisdictions.
  • Benefit from established trust with top payment leaders.