HomeOpen Banking

Open Banking

Account aggregation with a single banking platform
A clean banking platform and API that allows you to issue ledgers, issue IBANs, Issue Debit Cards, convert currency, send and receive bank transfers on behalf of your customers

A rich set of banking and debit card capabilities to deliver your ideas

Integrate global banking and a personally-branded debit card into your app or business.

Issue Ledgers

Bank accounts

Ledgers are stores of value that can be credited or debited (e.g. EUR, GBP, gold, reward points).

Issue IBANs

Bank accounts

The globally unique address of a ledger so it can be credited/debited by payment schemes.

Bank cards
Issue Debit Cards


Issue your own Visa or Mastercard debit cards that can spend value held in ledgers.

Request money
Receive Money

Bank transfer

Credit a ledger with value received from a payment scheme. (e.g. MERCHANT PAYOUT, SEPA, SWIFT, BACS).

Money transfer
Send Money

Bank transfer

Debit value from a ledger when value is sent using a payment scheme. (e.g. SEPA, SWIFT).

Collect Money

Cards / Direct Debit / SEPA

Pull value from a bank account or card via a payment scheme. (e.g. Direct Debit, Mastercard, PSIP).

Spend Money


Enables people to spend value held in a ledger by authorizing debit card transactions.

Convert Money

Converts value between different assets held in ledgers. (e.g. EUR, GBP, Gold, Silver)

Transaction Control

Configure real-time rules to enforce compliance policies.

Ledger spy
Transaction Monitoring

Real-time transaction monitoring and screening for AML and fraud.

Transaction Investigation

Manage transactions that breach compliance and fraud policy.

Manage Credit

Matching wholesale lending suppliers with credit distributors.

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