Discover one platform for all your business finances the simple way to manage your money. Save on transfers, payments, and currency exchange with Woohoo Pay Business.
Receive money like a local
Receive payment like a local in 8+ currencies.
SWIFT / SEPA access
Get access to SWIFT/ SEPA and make and receive payments locally and internationally.
Convert 8+ currencies
Hold and switch between multiple currencies in seconds with low, transparent fees.
Send money for less
Save up to 7x compared to the banks when you send money abroad.
Live FX rates
FX with spot pricing and instant settlement, without paying hidden fees.
Open an account in seconds
Sign up and get verified online — without visiting a local branch.
Receive money like a local
Receive payment like a local in 8+ currencies.
Multi-Currency IBANs
Go global fast with multi-currency payments using local rails. Get a EUR IBAN and a multi-currency IBAN with us to unlock all benefits of international trade for your business.
Hold Funds in 8 Currencies
Live Rate FX Conversions
Our currency exchange live rate enables you to make and take payments across borders, without paying hidden fees or penalties. Our Intergiro live FX rate applies to any currency exchange transaction and we always show you the full transaction cost up front.
International Business Made Easy
Get access to SEPA, SWIFT and local payment networks for truly multi-currency banking. Perfect for scaling businesses, our multi-currency accounts are the catalyst to grow your reach globally. Pay suppliers like a local and receive payments from anywhere.
Discover Top Use Cases For Businesses of All Types
Administrative expenses
Handle your company’s operating costs with flexibility and complete control.
Easy invoice processing
Process, approve and pay invoices from all of your team members.
Team perks
Manage team perks and other incidental office costs without the need for petty cash.
Subscription management
Control your online spending by managing all subscriptions in one place.
Business travel spending
Scaleable solutions for managing travel spend across your business.
Digital advertising
Control your digital marketing spending across all platforms with smart virtual cards.